Monday, December 11, 2006


i didnt have my evaluation today... looks like ill be getting up early for tomorrow. gaah. i was hoping id have no more early morning till i come back here. oh well, things could be worse. like, i could suck really bad at everything, and like, be sent back home. but that will never happen. haa.
im going to miss it here during the holidays. cause i was thinking today how its going to suck going home and be away from everyone. which is weird. i like living on my own. its nice. i do miss my family, and the very few friends i have at home. gaaah... it should be fun though! i get to see my family i havent seen since like, last Christmas, and the summer, and i get to go visit people, and do the traditional thing we always do every christmas for the past 20 years, and thats going to val and regs place for christmas eve. i cant wait! i think this year im more excited about going there, than christmas day itself. i get to go out and drink with the boys! haha! they think its funny that i drink now. oooh.. theyre so silly, my older bros. i wonder if they will go out to the bars this year, thatd be cool. hrrm... i should ask them. and then we get to go home, open one gift, which is a christmas ornament like every year. christmas day is fun. we open everything, make a mess, get breakfast, and then go to my grandparents house, and make another mess. teehee! im excited.

this year im having myself a new years party. hopefully people can make it. it will be my first new years party, ever. kinda sad that ive never been to one let alone have one. so yah, excited!! you people best be coming. im thinking of maybe people bring some like food, so it could almost be like a pot-luck thinger... but then again.. maybe not.. i dunno. maybe just munchies? hrrmmm.. maybe. depends on how many people come. cant wait!

my god.. im bored.. having nothing due is nice, but already its driving me nuts cause i have nothing to do, maybe after my evaluation ill go shopping. yah... that sounds good. =) shopping is always fun.


kristincheverie said...

OH MAN i want to make like, mexican pizza or someshit.

April said...

doooooo iiit!!!

Kelley said...

I'll bring nanny food, you bring the "boys" The cute kind!!!

April said...

haha! ill make sure a cute boy with a fancy ass comes!

Kelley said...

Fancy Ass!! I don't even realize I'm saying that stuff sometimes till it leaves my mouth!! Scary! ahahaha